027 248 9320 theo@uprotectnz.com

Contemplate a family of five: two parents and three children, all children under the age of five. If I asked the parents, “Who are the most important people in your family”, most would invariably answer, “The children”. If asked to explain why, parents would suggest that children “are the future and have their whole lives ahead of them”.

I would suggest that they are wrong

The most important people in the family are the parents. It is the parents who instil values, cultivate a work ethic, establish boundaries, nurture, socialise and mentor their children. The parents ensure they become well-adjusted, caring community members. It is the parents who properly prepare them for responsible citizenship. Family psychologists will tell you that raising the child(ren) as the most important person(s) in the family is the first step towards raising a child who feels entitled.

for the sake of the children

The need to be properly insured

It, therefore, follows that the most important people in the family (the parents) need proper protection. In the unfortunate event of premature death or critical illness, insurance means the young family is not under an unbearable financial burden that jeopardises their development.

Many people I know who have lost a parent early in their lives have stressed how grateful they were that their parents had life insurance. It enabled the children to be provided for and to grow up and enjoy a childhood without the family enduring financial hardship.

As the great Merle Haggard said in his song “Holding Things Together”:

Holding things together
Ain’t no easy thing to do
When it comes to raisin’ children
It’s a job – meant for two.
Alice please believe me
I can’t go on and on
Holding things together
With you gone.

Protection for your children’s sake

If you are a parent, with children, and don’t presently have a protection plan for your family, I invite you to contact me for an initial no-obligation consultation. For your children’s sake. This will be conducted in the gentle, respectful and sensitive manner for which UProtectNZ Insurance Services is renowned.

It’s what we do.
Theo Simeonidis
UProtectNZ Insurance Services