027 248 9320 theo@uprotectnz.com
ACC levies for the self employed

ACC levies for the self employed

Self-employed, and hate paying your ACC levies? Here’s a better deal! Someone once said that there are only two things in life that are certain:  taxes and death! I agree and would add ACC levies to that! No one can escape the long arm of the IRD and ACC, and the...
Insurance advice and active listening

Insurance advice and active listening

Serving you through the power of active listening The days of the old-school high-pressure insurance “salesmen” are well and truly over. The new environment demands that insurance advisers actively listen to and understand their clients’ needs,...
Do you need an insurance review?

Do you need an insurance review?

Why is an insurance ‘warrant of fitness’ review essential? No one questions the merit in undertaking a periodic warrant of fitness check on our car. Yet, why is it that so many of us don’t think about having a similar “warrant of fitness” review of our...
Will you need personal insurances?

Will you need personal insurances?

Can you predict the future? This seems like a silly rhetorical question, right? Yet, endeavouring to predict the future is exactly what many people seem to take a punt on, in relation to their personal family insurances. Health insurance when you’re well The ideal...
Insurance companies show their true colours

Insurance companies show their true colours

COVID-19 brings out the real ‘personalities’ of the life and health insurance companies Showing their true colours I can vividly remember from my days as a Chief Executive, during team building sessions, learning from behavioural psychologists and personality testing...