027 248 9320 theo@uprotectnz.com
Life insurance policy ownership

Life insurance policy ownership

A matter of life or death? The ownership structure of your personal insurance policies is more important than many realise. It’s critical that the life insurance policy ownership structure is matched to the circumstances of the life insured and policy owner(s). Don’t...
Hibiscus Coast Insurance Advocates

Hibiscus Coast Insurance Advocates

Holding insurance companies to account: why you need an insurance adviser! The relationship between the parties to an insurance contract is based on the legal doctrine of uberrimae fidei which requires both parties to exercise the utmost good faith in their dealings...
Insurance policy review – a case study

Insurance policy review – a case study

The importance of a timely “warrant of fitness” A “warrant of fitness” insurance policy review I recently undertook highlighted the value of such an important exercise. I put in place a client’s insurances in 2012, when: He was the sole income earner. He and his wife...